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Should I Have An Evacuation Kit Or Go Bag For A Power Outage?(Explained)

Power outages are an unavoidable part of life and can strike at any time, often with little or no warning. While most of us are used to brief disruptions in electrical service, it’s important to be prepared for longer outages that could last hours or even days. It’s also important to acknowledge that power outages can lead to other issues, or our homes may not be the best places to be in the event of one. Having an evacuation kit or go bag specifically for power outages can be a smart and practical decision to keep yourself safe in the event you have to evacuate when the lights go out.

What is a Power Outage Evacuation Kit?

A power outage evacuation kit, or power outage go bag, is a collection of essential items that can help you and your family stay safe, comfortable, and well-fed when you’re on the move during a power outage.

These kits typically include essentials like a small supply of non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, and flashlights. The decision of whether to have an evacuation kit or go bag for a power outage ultimately comes down to factors such as your geographic location, climate, and individual family needs.

Geographic location and climate play a critical role in determining the likelihood and severity of power outages in your area. Living in an area with frequent severe storms or extreme weather conditions, for instance, may make it more necessary to have a power outage kit on hand. Moreover, considering your household size, special needs, and potential evacuation scenarios can help you tailor your kit to suit your family’s specific requirements.

It’s really about knowing how likely you are to have to leave your home in the event of a power outage, and how far you might have to travel once you’ve evacuated.

The Need for an Evacuation Kit

While the necessity for a power outage go-bag and how likely you are to have to use it comes down to multiple factors, when it comes to deciding whether or not to keep a go-bag on hand for power outages, we like to go by this rule: it never hurts anyone to be over-prepared. And you probably can’t be over-prepared for a power outage.

Power outages can happen anytime, and while they’re often short-lived, they can also last for days or even weeks. Natural disasters, extreme weather events, and infrastructure issues can all knock out the power. It’s good to be ready for anything.

An emergency evacuation kit can come in real handy in the event you have to leave your home and head out for safety. Instead of fumbling for supplies in the dark, you can just grab your bag, already packed with essentials, and hit the bricks. It saves time and brainpower, both of which can be in short supply when facing a disaster like fire or flooding, which can come in conjunction with power outages. 

What to Include in Your Evacuation Kit

Okay. So, you know you need an evacuation kit, or you at least know it’s a good idea to have one, but what exactly should go in it? What supplies do you need to safely evacuate your home in the middle of a power outage? And how do you keep things light and portable? Here are the bare necessities for you kit:

Water: Ideally one gallon per person per day. This is a lot easier to do when evacuating by car than on-foot, but carry as much water as you can.

Non-perishable food: Granola bars and backpacking foods are ideal, because they are lightweight and compact.

Flashlight or headlamp: You’ll need it after dark

Extra batteries: A flashlight or headlamp doesn’t do much good if it won’t turn on.

First-aid kit: For treating minor injuries. 

Map: If you don’t know your way around your area, including side roads, by heart.

Multi-purpose tool: Good for multiple purposes that might arise.

Battery-powered radio: To stay informed about the status of the weather, the power outage, and fires or flooding risks.

Power bank: Keep it charged, so it’s ready to power up small devices, like your cell phone.

Charging cords: To keep your phone and other vital devices powered up.

Basic medical supplies: Prescription medications, extra glasses, etc.

Cash: When the grid goes down, most stores ability to accept cards also goes down, but stores may stay open as cash-only businesses, where you can re-up on supplies.

Important documents: IDs and insurance information

Evacuation Procedure

Along with your power outage evacuation kit, you’ll need a plan for getting you and your family out of harm’s way if you need to leave home. Plan your route out in advance and make sure all family members know the way, and your meeting point, in case you get separated.

It’s also a good idea for each member of your family to have some form of communication in their go-bags, so you can keep in communication even if you lose sight of each other.

Preparedness on the Go

In the unpredictable world we live in, power outages are just one of the many challenges we might face. So, are the issues that come with power outages. By having an evacuation kit tailored to your needs and a well-thought-out plan, you’re not only ensuring the safety of your loved ones but also instilling a sense of confidence and calm in the face of adversity.

Remember, while we can’t control when or how disruptions might strike, we can control our readiness to face them. Equip yourself, stay informed, and always prioritize the safety and well-being of your family, whether your hunkering down at home or out on the streets.

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