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What You Need In A Car Emergency Kit For A Power Outage

Power outages can come with little to no warning, leaving you stranded and possibly in the dark. While you’re busy thinking about how to keep your home and loved ones safe, don’t forget the importance of having a car emergency kit ready to go. A solid kit can not only save you from trouble in a pinch, but can give you extra peace of mind during uncertain times.

So, what should you keep in your car emergency kit for a power outage? There are several essentials that should be on your radar. These items are specifically chosen to help you tackle any challenges that might pop up on the road while you’re trying to navigate through a powerless neighborhood or city.

Before we delve into the details, remember that the key to any good car emergency kit is being prepared in advance. That includes making sure you’re familiar with your vehicle, having essential supplies handy, and knowing how to use them effectively. If you can do all of that, you’ll be ready to roll, even during a power outage.

Essential Items for a Car Emergency Kit

When it comes to a power outage emergency kit for your car, the focus is on getting from point A to point B safely when navigating the roads can be a challenge.

But a good car kit should also be built with the possibility in mind that you won’t be able to make it from point A to point B in the event of an outage. That means you need a few items in your car that are purely for short-term survival.

First up, power sources.

Power Sources

When a power outage strikes, the very first thing to go is your ability to keep things running. Equip your car emergency kit with a power bank or solar charger to charge phones and other devices.

A car inverter is another excellent potential power source to keep in your car. An inverter converts your car’s DC power to AC power, which allows you to use it with standard devices, like your cell phone or an electric radio. 

Food and Water Essentials

While hopefully you won’t get to a point of needing a good supply of non-perishable foods in your car during a power outage, it doesn’t hurt to keep some food, such as granola bars, nuts or other snacks, in your vehicle in case of an emergency.

And you definitely need water. Keep a stash of bottled water or reusable containers filled with tap water in your vehicle. This is a good idea all the time, as you never know when your vehicle might break down or a disaster might keep you from getting off the road to resources.

Tech and Communications

To stay informed and connected, add some tech to your car power outage kit. Include a battery-powered or hand-crank weather radio for alerts and news updates. If you have a power bank or other backup power source in your kit, you can likely use your cell phone to keep informed, but it doesn’t hurt to have a backup.

Health and Safety Items

Your health and safety can’t take a backseat during a power outage, so make sure your car emergency kit includes a first-aid kit, some standard medications, like pain relievers, and any other essential medications you need.

During a power outage, a car first-aid kit becomes even more essential, as emergency services may be overwhelmed by other people needing assistance and unable to get to you quickly in the event of an accident.


Maintaining warmth and comfort is crucial during a power outage, especially when temperatures plummet. Ensure your car emergency kit includes blankets, preferably thermal or woolen ones, to keep you and your passengers warm.

In the event of a blackout, car blankets can be lifesavers, especially if you get stranded or have to wait out cold conditions.

Light Sources & A Carry Bag

Ideally, if a power outage happens while you’re at work or somewhere else away from home, you can make it home safely in your vehicle. But you should prepare for the possibility that you won’t be able to reach your destination in your car.

At this point, you have two choices — to wait it out with your vehicle, which is perfectly possible if you have a decent supply of food and water and enough blankets for the cold, or you can leave your vehicle and try to get home, which may make sense if you’re close enough.

If you do decide to leave your vehicle, you need a reliable light source, like a flashlight or headlamp, and something to carry your other supplies in.

In the absence of streetlights or ambient lighting, hand- or head-held lights ensure safe navigation, preventing missteps, trips, or encounters with obstacles. They can also serve as a signaling device in case of emergencies. 

Your carry bag is crucial for consolidating essential items from your car emergency kit to take with you when you leave your vehicle. A good bag will give you room to transport food, water, medicine, and any other vital supplies you need as you continue on foot.


In the event of a significant power outage, electronic payment systems, including credit and debit card machines, can be rendered inoperative. Businesses that remain open during a power outage may only be able to accept cash transactions.

Keeping a stash of paper currency in your car power outage kit can prove invaluable for purchasing essentials like food and water on your way home if you set out on foot.

Power Outage Car Preparation

Being prepared for a power outage is more than just thinking about your home. Your car can become a vital lifeline, especially if you’re on the road or away from home when the lights go out. By ensuring you have a well-stocked car emergency kit tailored to power outages, you can navigate the challenges and uncertainties that might arise with confidence, no matter how you eventually make it home.

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